Aloe ( Aloe vera )

Aloe genus: there are about 600 species

* Aloe latex: laxative effect
* Aloe gel (fresh): cosmetics & skin therapy Peny
* Aloe whole leaf: drink al. for cancer, AIDS, ulcerative colitis
* Aloe extract: asthma bronkiale chronicles & DM

* Aloins: laxative
* Aloctins, campesterol, β-sitosterol, acemannan: anti-inflamasi
* Acemannan: imunostimulan

Aloe gel and latex in the leaves and the different chemical contents khasiatnya, Infus Aloe juice or contain latex and gel

Aloe and Cancer

* Acemannan stimulates makrofag remove tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin, and Interferon
* Aloe Extract contains aloctins - memp. mitogenik activity on limfosit
* A Aloctin - function as imunomodulator
* Anthraquinones - anti-inflamasi & imunomodulator
* Aloe juice - antimetastatic activity & hepatoselular prevent lesi
* Aloe extract + vit E + squalene - reduce the tumor that have

Aloe extract: hipoglikemik on the patient's type-2 DM (non-insulin dependent)

* Aloe gel: al. contain glikoprotein, polisakarida, enzyme, used for a variety of skin disturbances (such as a burn, abrasion, bruise, wound, Psoriasis, herpes simplex)

* Fresh Aloe gel: anti-inflamasi (ZA: aloctin A and B is not stable in storage)

* Aloe latex: 0:25 dose laxative g. ONSET effects STL 6-12 hours. Aloin A and B in the intestine hydrolized into aloe-emodin-9-antron (metabolit active). Large doses or use the old dependable nefritis, gastritis, vomiting, bloody diarrhea slimy &

* Aloes can cause pelvic organ congestion, so have a contraindicates on hemoroid, menstruate, and pregnancy

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