Drug Using in children and under five

The use of drugs in children and children under five is take more attention. Because the organs of children and children under five rudimentary development compared with adults, so children under five more sensitive to drugs. Children under five is not adults in a smaller size. So the use of drugs should not be indiscriminate. medicinal products that sell have been designed so the dose for children only and practical purpose more easy. As in the case where there is no medicine that is specially designed for children, or are available only for adults, better consultation on the doctor or pharmacist before use to be safe. Some of the medicines that need attention to be use for children under five and children include:

- Aspirin because aspirin it can cause Reye's syndrome
- Cloramphenikol because it can cause Gray baby syndrome
- Tetracyclin when used together with milk, can cause teeth to become yellow

While the drug is safe for children, among others, paracetamol for lower fever, as the antibiotic penicillin. Therefore, the use of drugs in children under five and children need to be consulted with medical team.

2 komentar:

  1. You are absolutely right ... I am always careful about these type of issue.. Thank you.

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