Rhubarb (Rheum officinale Baill.)

Rhubarb is one of the plant that frequently used for treatment in Indonesia. The parts that Justify Fullused in this plant is roots and rhizome. The indication is to treat constipation, jaundice, amenorea (no period menstruation). Substances that active in this plant, among others: antrakinon derivative (including glicoside), Rhein, emodin, chrysophanol, aloe-emodin, physcion

Various effects pharmacology has known many of these plants, such as:

- catartica light: effects on cholinergic emodin intestinal muscle (like using atropin).

- Retention of water in the intestinal lumen. Does not disrupt absorption of nutrien.

- another catartica compound (derived anthraquinones): anthranol, anthrone, anthraquinones; sennoside A & B.

- ED50 / effective dose 50 (catartica) sennosida A: 15 (gastric) mg / kg (ip), 14 (subkutan) mg / kg (ip), 27 mg / kg (ip).

- Effect antispasmodik emodin 5 times from the effects papaverin

- Antimicrobe effect
Active substances of microbe resistor (bakteria, fungi, and viruses) is the structure of 1.9 - in the OH-anthraquinones (IC50 1.5-50 ug / mL up to microbes)

- Antineoplastics (anti-cancer)

* Rhein and emodin prevent melanoma mouse (5 mg / kg = 75%)
* Emodin (75 mg / kg, ip) with repeated doses for breast carcinoma in rats
* Extract aloes wood (sc): sarcoma37 prevent the mencit

- Cardiovascular

* Extract tingtur aloes wood and have an effect hipotensif (vasodilatation)
* Emodin: Stimulation (at low doses), depresif (at higher doses)
* D-Catechin as vasokonstrictor
* Extract herb (po): lower cholesterol in rabbits hiperkolesterolemia

Contraindicates aloes wood is to

- People with asthenic syndrome (weak, spun) is experiencing constipation due to slowing peristaltic.

- In addition tanin found in quantities in the root / rizoma can cause constipation.

- With doses constipation anatara root of 0.05-0.3 g / rizoma


- Absorption derived anthraquinones quickly, reaching peak only in time 2 hours.

- Rhein absorpted easier than emodin. Rhein quickly eliminated (the rabbit).

- F elimination anthraquinones in feses and urin: 23%.


- LD50 / lethal dose 50 (po) emodin, physcion, and chrysophanol of 560, 1150 mg / kg and 10 g / kg.

Aloes wood effects clinic

- Indigesti and constipation

* 0.3 g dose as appetizer; 1-2 g as light laxatif
* Large dose: kolic intestine (contraction, convulsions) but can be overcome with belladona (atropin) or mentol, clove oil.

- Hepatitis: antivirus, anti-inflammation, and choleretic

- Hemoragia and trombositopenia:

* Herb used for internal and external bleeding.
* Chrysophanol to trombositopenia, menorea, bleeding after birth

- Hurt and burned skin disease

- Cholesterol lower agents and antihipertensi (blood pressure lower agents)

Side effects:
- Toxic effects occur, especially in the high dose of the fresh herb Nausea, vomit , dizziness, colic abdomen [stomach cramps], jaundice.

- The use of long & hipokalemia cause cirrhosis.

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