Greater Plantain ( Plantago mayor L )

Material used: seeds and herb (womb different chemicals).


Ekspectoran & antitusif: herb dekok increase secretion trakhea muccus & bronki (nature ekspectoran of plantagin), 3-6 peak hours, the duration of 6-7 hours. But plantagin also cause respiratory depression center so can make breath in a slow and (antitusif effect). Plantago seeds are also ekspektoran and antitusif.

Antibacteria: water or alcohol extract

Gastro intestine: Extract leaves contain plantaglucide resoluble ulkus peptikus prevent, slow the movement of stomach, reduce the contraction (spasm) intestine.

Cardiovascular: Plantagin low dose of slow heart rate, raise amplitudo heart and blood pressure; hipotensif large doses and cardiac arrest (heart rate to drop out).

Effect clinic

- Respiratory tract infections

* Extract Plantago tan (ekivalen powder 30 g / day) given in chronic bronchitis patients (age> 50 years, n = 175), 1-2 for sunday, the effectiveness of 78%.

- Hepatitis-acute jaundice

* Plant Plantago fresh or decocta (60 g / day), the appetite normal in 5-7 days, jaundice recover in 14 hr, and normal liver function. Effectiveness of 95-99%.

- Dysentery

* Decoct 100% fresh leaf Plantago, 60-90 ml / day, therapy for acute dysentery (n = 43) and chronic (n = 45). Fever down in 1-2 days.
* Painful abdomen, mucus and pus in feses lost in 10 days, and bakteria feses negative. Effectiveness of 84%.
* Decoct also effective for dysentery amuba on anak2, symptom lost in 2 days, and feces become normal.

- Dispepsia

* The seeds of Plantago given 63 children, where feces into normal (n = 53). Recover in 2-3 days.

- Serving and dose: seeds roasted, then pound for the Per Oral. For babies 4-12 month: 0.5 g / dose, 1-2 five years: 1 g / dose given 3-4 times a day.

Dose is adjusted to the age.

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